When Canadian show jumping legend Ian Millar announced his retirement from international competition earlier this year, he renewed his mission to educate the next generation of horses and riders. We are honored that Ian was our very first Equestrian Masterclass...
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When Canadian show jumping legend Ian Millar announced his retirement from international competition earlier this year, he renewed his mission to educate the next generation of horses and riders. We are honored that Ian was our very first Equestrian Masterclass...
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One of my favorite things to watch is the progression of a horse’s confidence as they gain more experience. Under the right instruction, it’s incredibly satisfying to see a horse “grow up,” even in the short span of one course...
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During every show season, we carefully train our horses to perform their best for a few special competitions and classes. As a trainer and rider, one of the most important skills to develop is knowing how to prepare a horse...
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You’re exasperated. Your horse flicks an ear back, surely rolling his eyes in disgust at your inadequacy. No matter how many times you remind yourself that it’s just one day, one off ride, you can’t help but live in the...
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