What It’s Really Like to Run a Horse Rescue (All Seated in a Barn & Storeybrook Farm)

What It’s Really Like to Run a Horse Rescue (All Seated in a Barn & Storeybrook Farm)

We’ve all seen the pictures: the emaciated horse who looks ancient, but in actuality is in their prime, their coat dirty and their eyes dull. We’ve all also had the desire to just hook up our trailer (or commandeer one) and take them home to a better life.

Unfortunately, few of us have the resources or the means to follow through on that impulse - so how do we go about helping all of the horses who are in dire need? And what are the lives like of the people who do follow through and take the one (or in one of our guest’s case…more than one) horses back home - what do they want everyone to know about their lives and organizations? What do they really need from us to succeed and keep their doors open?

In this episode of Equestrian Voices, host Caroline Culbertson sits down with Tahlia Fischer from All Seated in a Barn and Olivia Alcorta from Storeybrook Farm.

In their candid, heartfelt, conversation, Caroline and her guests discuss many of the seen (and unseen) aspects of the horse rescue world, including:

- How they came to each run horse rescues.

- The common misconceptions about rescues that people carry with them.

- The day to day reality of what it takes

- What horse rescues can (and cannot) provide for the horses they receive.

- An open kimono discussion about vet bills, and the overall costs of running an organization that regularly brings horses back from the brink.

- Most importantly, how you can best help these critically important organizations in their work.

Thank you to our sponsors of today's episode: 

Farris Equestrian - Maker of the ultimate riding glove and the smartphone-carrying saddle pad. 

Connaway & Associates Equine Insurance Services Personalized coverage with competitive rates for equine mortality, major medical & surgical coverage, and more.

Winderen - Innovative equestrian equipment driven by research and technology. Use discount code "voices" at checkout for 5% off. 

Equestrian Masterclass - Empowering equestrians everywhere. #1 in digital equestrian eduction in North America. Go here for $50 off an annual membership.