Kent Farrington Leads The Pack In Credit Suisse...
On the eve of the Rolex Top Ten Final, the USA’s Kent Farrington kicked off his return to Switzerland with a vengeance, winning the Credit Suisse Grand Prix Qualifier aboard...
Kent Farrington Leads The Pack In Credit Suisse...
On the eve of the Rolex Top Ten Final, the USA’s Kent Farrington kicked off his return to Switzerland with a vengeance, winning the Credit Suisse Grand Prix Qualifier aboard...
Kent Farrington & Creedance steal the spotlight...
A full-house of enthusiastic visitors witnessed the USA’s Kent Farrington claim the biggest spoils of the week in the Grand Prix for the Kingdom of Bahrain Trophy. Despite a valiant...
Kent Farrington & Creedance steal the spotlight...
A full-house of enthusiastic visitors witnessed the USA’s Kent Farrington claim the biggest spoils of the week in the Grand Prix for the Kingdom of Bahrain Trophy. Despite a valiant...